Oral Presentation

ICIST's vision is to engage the participants in meaningful sessions for the exploration of scientific advancements. To help us meet our visions, we request speakers or participants to adhere to the following suggested guidelines.


Time Allocation

Presentation Type Total Allotted Time
Keynote Presentation 45 min
Invited Presentation 35 min
Regular Oral Presentation  20 min
Download Templates for a Reference
Keynote Speech Slide Template Invited Speech Slide Template Oral Presentation Slide Template Poster Template


Each oral presentation includes 5 minutes for preparation and Q&A / discussion. A Warning will be given when 3 mins left.

All presenters are requested to reach the session room prior to the scheduled time of 10 minutes and complete their presentation on time.


Presentation Preparation

Presentation format: pdf or ppt document with the file named: Paper ID + Session.

Each slide should be concise, uncluttered, and readable from a distance; include only keywords and phrases for visual reinforcement. Avoid lengthy text.

Kindly send the final version of the PPT files via the contact email address at least 2 weeks before travelling to the conference venue. If you are unable to send it, you can always upload your presentation (save the presentation on a USB Flash drive) at the lectern during the break preceding your scheduled presentation. The USB Flash drive will be scanned before transferring the presentation to the presentation folder.

A laptop, video projector, and laser pointer with remote control will be provided by the organizing committee.

A signed and stamped presentation certificate would be issued by the session chair or assistant after the presentation is delivered.

Once you have completed your presentation the PPT will be permanently removed.


Speaker Standards

Speakers' Attire: Speakers are strongly encouraged to dress in business formals during presentations. Speakers should be well knowledgeable and expert in the area of presentation to meet the audience.

Presentation Skills: we highly suggest speakers and presenters rehearse well in advance for a successful presentation.

No Commercial Advertisement: No commercial advertisements are allowed during the session.


Best Oral Presentation Selection

Each session will select one Best Oral Presentation; please ensure your Paper ID (ICIST****) is shown correctly on the first or last page of your presentation data.

This award consists of free registration to the next ICIST Conference and a certificate.


Selection Criteria

The best presentation will be selected from each session based on the following aspects:

Research Quality

Presentation Performance

Presentation Language

Interaction with Listeners

PowerPoint Design


Selection Procedure

An assessment sheet will be delivered to listeners before the session starts.

When the session finishes, each listener is required to fill out the sheet (he/she can vote for two excellent presentations) and give it to the Session Chair.

The Session Chair will count the votes and select the best oral presentation. If there is a tie, the Session Chair will make the final decision.


Conference Attendance/Cancellation

We strongly encourage speakers to notify the office immediately in the event of absence for presenting a registered session so that we will take action accordingly.