Review Process


Peer reviewing is vital to ensure the scientific quality of conference papers. Therefore, papers submitted to ICIST are subject to transparent, unprejudiced, and efficient peer review, which dedicated editors carry out (assumed by Program Chair, Program Co-Chair and Committee Members appointed by Conference Chair) and reviewers.

The editorial process of a paper consists of two parts: Initial Check and Peer Review. Note that only full papers that passed Initial Check will be subject to Peer Review.

Paper passing initial check will be assigned to at least two reviewers in the relevant field for peer review. Reviewers are expected to carefully review the submitted manuscript and complete a detailed review report that helps the author to improve the quality of their papers. Authors may be asked to revise their papers according to suggestions given by peer reviewers. Based on recommendations from the reviewers, the editor will make the ultimate decision on whether the paper is accepted or rejected.


Initial Check

The papers will be checked in terms of plagiarism, paper length, structure, research topics and language, etc. The paper can be sent to double-blind peer review only if the paper passed the Initial Check.


Peer Review

At least two reviewers will review each paper. All papers are reviewed using a double-blind review process: the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept confidential. The identities of authors are concealed from reviewers, and vice versa.

The reviewer is accountable for providing timely, unbiased, and constructive feedback that may help the authors to improve their papers. In addition, the reviewer is also probably asked to answer a series of questions by editors relevant to the review. After receiving the feedback, the authors are entitled to a rebuttal.


Editorial Decision

Accept: The paper is accepted and does not need further modification.

Accept with minor revisions: The paper will be accepted after minor revisions. In such a case, the revised paper will only be reviewed by the editor/Chair.

Revaluate with major revisions: The paper will be sent to be reviewed by the original reviewers or assessed by the editor/chair.

Reject: The paper will not be accepted due to major deficiencies. And it is not recommended to be resubmitted.