
Registration Fee



Regular Author  

510 USD / 3500 RMB  

Student, Committee Author  

470 USD / 3300 RMB  

ETDIS Member Author  

470 USD / 3300 RMB  

Conference Attendee/Listener* (Includes full conf. kit)  

300 USD / 1950 RMB  

Keynote Speaker  


Extra Items  

Additional Papers (The same first author)  

450 USD / 3000 RMB   


Registration Method

Details are available in the registration form that will be sent to the corresponding author along with the acceptance letter.

If you would like to attend ICIST without presenting and publishing your work, we suggest you registering as a listener. For listener registration, please contact

The listener registration form


Registration Policy

1. At least one author should be at the conference and deliver a presentation.

2. For papers with more than one author, the others attending the Conference must complete their registration individually.

3. For Student Registration, student status verification is required either by a letter from the Institution or a scanned copy of the student card.

4. Extra pages will be charged for a fee.

5. Once a successful registration transaction has been completed, confirmation of registration would be sent to the registrant's email address. However, it may be necessary for some registration types to complete the required information – such as the attendee's name – before the confirmation of registration and invitation letter can be issued.


For Attendees

Attendees from overseas will get subsidized accommodation either in the conference hotel or at the designated accommodation in place. Approx. 50 rooms will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.


The Registration Fee Covers:

Participation in all sessionsConference Kit
Program Book
Buffet lunch and tea/coffee breaks
Conference Banquet

The Registration Fee Does Not Cover:

Visa application costs
Optional tour costs
Publishing papers in SCI-indexed journals


Refund/Cancellation Policy

· Registrations cancelled more than 90 days before the event will be refunded 70% of the registration fees.

· Registrations cancelled less than 90 but more than 60 days before the event will be refunded 50% of the registration fees.

· Registrations cancelled less than 60 but more than 30 days before the event will be refunded 30% of the registration fees.

· Registrations cancelled less than 30 days before the event will not be eligible for a refund.


Personal Reason

The ICIST cannot refund or pay any compensation where could not attend the Conference is prevented by reason of circumstances which amount to "personal reason". Such as travel difficulties, visa problems, health issues, financial default, etc.


Force Majeure

The ICIST cannot accept responsibility, refund, or pay any compensation where the Conference's performance is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances that amount to "force majeure".
Circumstances amounting to "force majeure" include any event that we could not foresee or avoid, even with all due care. Such circumstances include fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, war, or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity, epidemic and all similar situations beyond our control.