Submission Guidelines

Submission Methods

Please log in to the HCconf Submission System (.pdf only) to submit your paper.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at  

Types of Submissions

In order for your full papers to be included in the conference proceedings, please follow the provided template (at the end of the first column of this page) when preparing your papers and then submit them via the submission system. Each paper will undergo about half-one months of peer review before decision notification.
Please ensure that the paper you submitted has not been previously published or is currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

If you are interested in attending or delivering an oral or poster presentation without publications, please submit your abstract (s) following the guidelines below:

  • The abstract should be submitted in .doc format according to the Abstract Template (at the end of the first column of this page).

  • The abstract should be strictly within one A4 page in length apart from the cover letter page and contain at least 200 words; usually, it should not have more than 600 words.

  • A cover letter page is required to include a short biography of the presenter:
    1) Full Name.
    2) Title information (eg. Prof./Dr.).
    3) Affiliation information (Department + University/Institution + Country).
    4) Research interests.

  • Abstracts are concise summaries of completed papers, extended abstracts, or proposed research within the specified topic areas or their relevant counterparts. The abstract for the proposed research should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a discussion of expected outcomes. It should not have more than 600 words. 

Submission Requirements

Papers for presentations should conform to the Template format and specifications. All submissions must be in English only. Accepted full papers will be invited to be published in the conference proceedings, and the authors will be invited to give an oral/poster presentation.

The page limit for each submission is flexible. Additional pages will be permitted at the cost of $60 per additional page.

The Abstract should not exceed 1 page. Accepted abstracts will be invited to give an oral/poster presentation without publishing into the proceedings.


Policies of ICIST

  • By submitting a paper to ICIST, all authors agree to the review process and understand that papers undergo peer review. Papers will be reviewed by qualified experts in regarding field selected from the Technical Committee, who will give detailed comments, if the submission gets accepted — the authors submit a revised ("camera-ready") version that considers this feedback.
    All papers are reviewed using a double-blind review process: the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are kept anoynymous. The authors’ identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa.
    The Committees of ICIST invest great efforts in reviewing the papers submitted to the Conference and organizing the sessions to enable the participants to gain maximum benefit.

  • ICIST uses the CrossCheck to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted papers. CrossCheck checks content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and a comprehensive article database. With an easy-to-use submission process that checks for similarity against the world's top published works, researchers and institutions can feel confident that their academic reputations will be protected.
    ICIST is utterly intolerant of plagiarism. Submitted papers are expected to contain original work executed by the authors with adequate, proper and scholarly citations to the work of others. It is the job of the authors to clearly identify both their own contribution(s) and published results/techniques on which they depend or build. Reviewers are responsible for ensuring these standards are met.

  • If the author is found to commit an act of plagiarism, the following actions will be taken:
    1. Reject the article submitted or delete the article from the final publications.
    2. Report the author's violation to his/her supervisor(s) and affiliated Institution(s)
    3. Report the author's violation to the appropriate overseeing office of academic ethics and research funding agency.
    4. Reserve the right to publish the author's name(s), the title of the article, the name(s) of the affiliated Institution and the details of misconduct, etc. of the plagiarist".